Joe and Doris were referred to me by a bride and groom that were married last year. On a search for the perfect venue they settled on the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas. Together the couple shared an interesting mix of roots- a combination of Italian American and Chinese along with several family traditions they wanted to incorporate into the wedding day. They wanted all of their guests to feel included in the wedding ceremony, yet wanted to bring in sacred elements that were meaningful for them both.
Buddha was an integral part of the brides family background and the groom was very comfortable with that tradition, so we opted for a ceremony that featured a side table that blended a few traditions in a very loving and contemporary way. Although it was by nature an interfaith and intercultural union, the ceremony of marriage was more about the spirit of love than religion. The ceremony table featured a large floral buddha and we actually did the Chinese tea ceremony during the wedding ceremony and not in the morning like it is traditionally done. The couple also lit unity candles right before the end of their ceremony.